Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Tabuelan, Cebu

Located in North West of Cebu.
This is one of the place in Cebu which you should also travel.

We went there way back 2010

Ani-Anihan Festival - Held every 24th of June
Colorful Celebration of Harvest

A Friend of Ours Invited Us for the Fiest. Their food are delicious!

They usually have celebrity guests on their fiestivity and during this time, Pooh was the guest

A White Sand and Blue Water public beach. You can enjoy the beach without any entrance fee. I guess the line "The Best Things in Life are Free" applies here.

Vicinity Map
Courtesy of happysteps.net

How to get there
There are 2 ways of travelling to Tabuelan, you can ride on a V-Hire passing transcentral highway to Balamban and then to Tabuelan. The other way is ride on a V-Hire or Bus which have a route to Mandaue and then to Tabuelan.

Once you reach Tabuelan and you want to go to Maravilla, you can take a Habal-Habal/Motorcycle to transport you. There are many beach resorts in Tabuelan which you can ask around when you get there. The place is easy to get by.

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