Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What to Expect on Sinulog?

Few days from now, it will be Sinulog, one of the grandest festivals in the Philippines in honor of the Holy Child, Señior Sto. Niño. There are many religious activities which many people attend to give thanks to Señior Sto. Niño for the blessings  given to them.

The 9 Days of Novena
It starts 9 days before the Sinulog. The novena schedules starts from early morning until evening. There are many people attending the mass and many of them are not able to enter the church due to lots of people attending. They participate to the novena outside the church and they can still hear the novena and see it with a wide screen outside.

Walk with Jesus
(Photo courtesy of Sinulog 2016)
It is a penitential procession with happens in dawn which marks the start of the Fiesta Señior.

The Fluvial Parade
It is a procession which devotees accompany Señior Sto. Niño from Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño to St. Joseph’s Parish in Mandaue City as He takes His short voyage along the Mactan Channel. Sinulog is not complete without this procession. It has been a tradition that the child Jesus visits His foster father St. Joseph. Believers accompany the child Jesus with drum beats, fireworks, yells, and sirens.

There are also masses during the Sinulog day which devotees also attend.

The Colorful Sinulog Parade
During the Sinulog, there are many participants wearing colorful costumes and many colorful floats. The Sinulog participants dance the Sinulog as their “Halad” to Señior Sto. Niño. They dance with all their heart and never feel tired dancing in the entire day around Cebu City. I used to dance the Sinulog too during the parade when I was a student. It was really a great honor dancing the Sinulog for Sto. Niño.

There are also celebrities who joined the Sinulog Parade

Parties Everywhere!
There are tons of parties before and during Sinulog. Each party has different themes. You will surely enjoy those parties with lots of drinks and freebies. You will get wet and wild during those parties.

Celebrating Sinulog
There are many people celebrating Sinulog and they prepare lots of food for it. The celebration will not be complete without the Cebu’s Yummy Lechon.

How to survive during the Sinulog?
During the Sinulog, you should expect there won’t be access to vehicles and it will be a long walk the entire day and night plus the hot weather. To survive, see list below:

1.       Have a long rest the day before Sinulog.
- It is very essential to take a long rest before the big event so you can have plenty of energy the entire Sinulog and also to enjoy the entire day. There will be long walks in the entire city.

2.       Wear clothes and shoes which you are ready to have them dirty
- There will be lots of paint and alcohol throwing during the day and not to mention wet areas which you will be pass that will really make you dirty that day. Just wear those outfit which you are ready to get dirty for you to enjoy the festivity and not to worry your precious attire to be dirty all over.

3.       Bring extra shirt, towels, deodorant and other stuff to refresh.
- Bringing these things is important for you to get refreshed when you are getting stinky already. It is also to dry you up with those sweat.

4.       Bring water.
- Bring lots of water to quench your thirst and to avoid dehydration.

5.       Rest in the afternoon.
- After having long walks and enjoying the Sinulog parade, take a rest for a while to gain more energy the night parties.

6.       Watch your belongings.
- Don’t ever forget to watch your valuables if you don’t want to end up losing important things.

7.       Bring lots of money.
- Bring plenty of money so you can buy the things you need for the entire day and also for the beer. Haha!